THE SANDBOX Covid-19 Pledge

THE SANDBOX Workspace Guide to COVID-19

and Our Workspaces / Community Safety Pledge

The health and safety of our Members and Team are our top priority. None of us have ever experienced a situation like the one brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has affected all of us in our SANDBOX community, as well as the Santa Barbara area community. We are extremely lucky at THE SANDBOX to not have any COVID cases within our current members and even more lucky to have a dedicated set of members that have stayed on and helped us get through these challenging financial times.

Together we can minimize the impact of the pandemic by each doing our part as we continue to operate and see more individuals return to the workplace.
The following is our plan to do our best to ensure safety in our workspaces. This plan was prepared based on current public health guidelines* and we expect it evolve as things continue to change:

  1. Community Safety Pledge
    All members are to review and agree to abide by THE SANDBOX’s plan and COVID self check before entering our buildings. Public health professionals continue to stress that it is the actions that individuals take on behalf of the others around them that limits the spread of the virus. This pledge is your signal to the other members of the THE SANDBOX community that you’re aware of how your actions affect others with regards to limiting potential virus spread and you’re using your best judgement while participating in THE SANDBOX’s workspace and services.
  2. Report Any Exposure to COVID-19
    If you test positive for COVID-19 and have been on-site at one of our workspaces please alert THE SANDBOX staff immediately.
  3. Only Come to Work When Feeling Well
    All Members and Visitors agree to only come to THE SANDBOX when they are feeling well. No one should enter if they are exhibiting known COVID-19 symptoms or any symptoms that could be flu-like, or if they have registered a temperature over 100.2 within the past 14 days.
    THE SANDBOX reserves the right to send anyone home who comes on-site and looks to be unwell.If someone in your household is feeling ill, has a temperature above 100.2 or has been diagnosed with COVID-19, please do not enter THE SANDBOX for at least 14 days.
  4. Daily Automated Sign-in through SANDBOX Network
    All Members are required to access the designated SANDBOX Wifi network when entering the space each day. This allows us who has been in the building each day. This record is important for several workplace safety reasons but in these pandemic times, keeping an accurate record of who was on-site on a specific day will allow us to quickly and effectively communicate to potentially affected persons in the unlikely case we find out someone who had been in our office has tested positive for COVID-19.
  5. Doors to remain locked
    The exterior doors at our locations will remain locked for the foreseeable future to help ensure that all members are accounted for while on-site in our buildings.
  6. Non-Member Guests/Visitors
    Currently, no non-members guests are allowed at THE SANDBOX.
  7. Face-Coverings
    The current CDC guidance recommends that everyone wear a cloth face-covering in public settings, therefore all Members and Staff are to cover their mouth and nose with a mask when in the common spaces at our locations, such as the entrance, restrooms, kitchens, hallways, walkways to their desks, etc.
    Wearing a cloth face-covering is to limit unintentional potential virus transmission to other members of our community, particularly among asymptomatic carriers.
  8. Social distancing within the workspace
    Members should socially distance themselves from others as much as possible and avoid shaking hands, hugging, or touching other individuals. THE SANDBOX has de-densified the coworking rooms by moving tables and marking the best places to sit to keep people 6’ or more apart. Dividers have been added to further separate workspaces from each other.
  9. Kitchen and Beverages
    Coffee service has been paused at this time. Individual coffee brews and tea bags are available for those that would like to make coffee and clean up after. Members should bring and wash their own cups, mugs, dishes and silverware. Do not leave any items on the counter or in the sink. MASKS ARE REQUIRED WHILE IN THE KITCHEN.
  10. Cleaning & Sanitizing
    THE SANDBOX’s team will clean and sanitize the common areas of our workspace during the week. Members should see that all their own work surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and objects (e.g. phones, headphones, keyboards/mice, monitors, etc.) are wiped with disinfectant each day both before and after use. Cleaning materials are available throughout the spaces for members to use.
    Members should also sanitize phone booths and conference room door handles, work surfaces, light switches, etc. before and after use.
  11. Practice Good Hand Hygiene
    Everyone should wash their hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds. We have provided multiple soaps in the kitchens and soap in the bathroom. In addition hand sanitizer is also available at the front door and in the kitchens.
    Please cover your mouth and nose anytime you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have access to a tissue, please sneeze/cough into your sleeve.
  12. In the event of a case of COVID-19 is reported in the THE SANDBOX community
    In the event of a COVID-19 case being reported by someone who has recently been in a THE SANDBOX location, THE SANDBOX will notify all recorded members who were on-site the same day as the infected person. Any members or staff that worked in close proximity to that person will be asked to stay away from our offices for the CDC recommended time of at least 14 days.


*THE SANDBOX’s plan was created utilizing the best guidance available for offices during the COVID-19 pandemic from reputable public health sources such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Santa Barbara County Public Health (, and San Luis Obispo County Public Health ( along with industry guidance from coworking communities across the country.


Coworking Memberships during COVID-19

We are currently offering a limited number of All-Access Coworking memberships during these times of COVID and California’s staged business reopening. Rather than choosing a location daily, coworking members will have their own socially distanced dedicated space on our coworking floor to work.  We expect this to continue until San Luis Obispo County reaches the Orange Tier.

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